Pregnancy Loss Policy
ICNI are committed to supporting and driving change in relation to pregnancy loss and have introduced a Pregnancy Loss Policy. Our policy provides for up to two weeks’ leave on full pay for employees who experience pregnancy loss, whether it occurs directly to them, a partner, or their surrogate. The policy extends to all pregnancy loss, and all employees. It also includes the introduction of mandatory Pregnancy Loss Awareness and Policy training for volunteers, staff and managers.
Parental Bereavement Leave
The Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 supports parents right to take up to two weeks’ paid time off work following the death of a child. This legislation also includes a provision to introduce regulations regarding leave and pay for employees who have experienced a miscarriage. These regulations are scheduled to be implemented no later than April 2026. ICNI welcome this legislation. However, we believe that employees should have the right to have all of their pregnancy experiences acknowledged, valued, and receive ongoing support within the workplace following all types of pregnancy loss.
How Do We Define Pregnancy Loss or Baby Loss?
Abortion: medical or surgical treatment to end a pregnancy;
Ectopic pregnancy: when a fertilised egg implants and grows outside of the uterus;
Embryo transfer loss: when an embryo transfer during fertility treatment doesn’t result in pregnancy;
Miscarriage: the loss of a pregnancy until 24 weeks of gestation;
Molar pregnancy: when a non-viable fertilised egg implants in the uterus and will fail to reach full term;
*Neonatal loss: the loss of a baby within the first 28 days after they are born;
*Stillbirth: the loss of a pregnancy after 24 weeks, before or during birth.
*Please note that the law and employees’ rights are different if they are affected by pregnancy or baby loss from 24 weeks.
Workplace Training
ICNI intend to champion this cause and will be encouraging other employers to adopt similar policies. We can also support your workplace through the process with our Pregnancy Loss Awareness and Policy training for managers, staff and volunteers. For more information:
Email: ruairi.rowan@informingchoicesni.org / Tel: 028 90 316 100
Leaflet: Pregnancy Loss – Having open conversations within the workplace