You can view our training brochure here.
We offer a unique portfolio of training for professionals and volunteers. We believe training is essential for any individual who wants to play a positive role in the choices people make by giving them factual, non-judgmental and non-directive information.
Through our award-winning education and research projects, and over 30 years’ experience, we offer participants the opportunity to discuss topics normally viewed as taboo, in a safer environment.
Our training programmes are targeted at professionals or volunteers working with individuals with a learning disability and autistic people, young people, men and boys, as well as those working within healthcare settings.
“Very informative, relaxed learning environment. Approachable yet professional staff. Challenged my own fear of objectivity and reinformed the need for critical thought in our daily practice/lives.” – Social Worker
“The training was delivered in such a way as to put us at ease and it felt more like a group of adults having a conversation than the usual teacher/class dynamic. Really, really enjoyed it and would highly recommend to anyone else working in this area.” – Senior Youth Officer
“The training caused critical reflection on complex issues and when circumstances arise, I will reflect on the training received today.” – Nurse
“A great afternoon having hard, challenging but very worthwhile conversations that need to take place in order to be open, learn and give the right support” – Associate Psychologist
“The training was humorous and entertaining yet also raw and hard hitting in educating us on the importance of RSE and how to deliver it to our children/young people as well as the consequences that can happen if not.” – Teacher
Before attending training, 85% of professionals stated that they did not feel confident in supporting someone who is autistic or has a learning disability through a loss or bereavement. Following the training, 98% stated that it had increased their knowledge and confidence in this area.
Our training courses can be completed with or without accreditation. Individual learning hours outside of the training days will be required to complete accreditation. All accreditation is through Open College Network NI (OCN NI).
“OCN have a long-established relationship with Informing Choices NI (formerly the Family Planning Association in Northern Ireland). Their team of experienced tutors adapt training to the needs of each client group and have consistently delivered our qualifications to a high standard over the years.” -Martin Flynn, CEO, OCN NI
Get in touch
For further information on our training contact:
Tel: 028 9031 6100
Email: training@informingchoicesni.org
If you wish to attend one of our training courses, please complete and return a booking form