Training – Support For Professionals

For more information on the range of training we provide please view our training brochure.

Through our award winning education programmes we have developed bespoke Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) training programmes for professionals.

This training is suitable for a range of staff members including those working in residential and day care services, community and outreach support roles, care managers, staff in multidisciplinary teams and advocates. For more information on this training, including its aims and learning outcomes, please visit our RSE Training page.

We also provide training for professionals working with people with learning disabilities, difficulties or autistic people and played a key consultative role, alongside the Public Health Agency and the Health and Social Care Trusts in developing the regional Adults with Learning Disabilities: Personal and Sexual Relationships Operational Protocol.

Upon its implementation we delivered regional training to all Trust staff working with individuals with a learning disability, difficulty or autistic people on the outworking’s of the new Protocol.

You can also view our RSE Training – Learning Disability page.