We deliver award winning education projects.
Just Ask
Our Just Ask programme works with individuals with a learning disability and autistic people. We also also support their families and carers. The programme offers participants the opportunity to discuss topics which are often described as ‘sensitive’ in a safe environment. All programmes are delivered at a participant appropriate level and the content is flexible. Just Ask is funded regionally in Northern Ireland by the Public Health Agency (PHA).
Our Speakeasy programme supports parents to speak confidently with their children about relationships and sexuality. This community-based parenting programme is funded by the PHA in the Belfast and South Eastern Trust areas.
The Menopause Project
The Menopause Project is an education and research project between Informing Choices NI and Ulster University. It is funded by the Ideas Fund in the Derry and Strabane District Council area.
Talk Together
Talk Together is a research project between Informing Choices NI and Ulster University. The project was conducted over a one year period, and looked at how loss and bereavement impact on individuals with learning disabilities and autistic people. It produced a research report, one of the key recommendations of which concerned a lack of training for professionals. This was subsequently designed and delivered through funding from the Ideas Fund.
Understanding Masculinity
Our Understanding Masculinity programme focuses on emotional wellbeing and men. We believe that working with men around the issue of masculinity will create a safer space to have open conversations around their health and emotional wellbeing. Pilot programmes have been delivered in the Belfast, Northern and South Eastern Trust areas with positive feedback. This has been funded through the PHA Making Life Better Through Short Term Funding Scheme.